Working with Clear Futures is a long-term collaboration to make a real difference in your community.  As part of this, Clear Futures reinvests a proportion of our fee into a fund that is available to all Participants to apply to – known as the “Transformational Fund”.

What can it be used for?

There are two main uses of the funding that is created through the Clear Futures Transformational Fund:

Prime Funding – enabling early-stage activities for the development of an ongoing pipeline of projects and services. This creates an overall self-perpetuating model, whereby the projects and services that progress feed back into the Transformational Fund through the Clear Futures fees they generate. This enables our public sector partners to investigate different solutions and accelerate delivery.   

Social Value – undertaking non-project specific community benefit activities identified by you and Clear Futures that can make a real difference to your community.

How do you access the Transformational Fund?

The Transformational Fund is governed by the Clear Futures Joint Venture (JV) Steering Board.  Any Participant can apply to the JV Steering Board for use of the Transformational Fund.

If you would like to consider this, please speak to your local Clear Futures representative about your proposed project and they can put this forward to the board for consideration.

Examples of uses of the Transformational Fund

West Northamptonshire Council Prime Funding

A review of the benefits from integrating wind turbines and solar panels due to the cooling effects of the additional wind flow on the panels and the consequent increase in their efficiency.

Eastbourne Council Prime Funding

Development of standard specifications for home retrofit works covered by HUG funding.  The fund enabled the whole project to proceed, as the HUG funding profile was linked to capital works delivered, and so did not reflect the actual costs being incurred.  This standard specification can also now be accessed by other Clear Futures Participants.

Bolton Social Value

A Community Neighbourhood Project undertook a ‘DIY SOS’ style project to improve spaces at Brownlow Fold Church of the Nazarene, where local residents meet, socialise and receive support.  The Transformational Fund supplemented volunteering hours and enabled donations of materials. The transformed spaces will have a wide-reaching impact on residents.