Strategic partnerships

Achieve more locally through long-term collaboration

Working with Clear Futures in a long-term strategic partnership is a key way for public sector bodies to deliver sustainable buildings, infrastructure and services – effectively and faster.

We’re a trusted partner for:

Lewes District Council logo in partnership with Clear Futures
Liverpool City Council logo in partnership with Clear Futures
Newcastle Colleges Group logo in partnership with Clear Futures
West Northamptonshire Council logo  in partnership with Clear Futures

Find out how a strategic partnership between Bolton Council and Clear Futures is delivering more of what matters locally.

To demonstrate our commitment to social impact, Clear Futures reinvests a proportion of our fee into a local social or environmental project we believe can make a real difference in your community.

There’s no quick win process for town centre regeneration. So how does Clear Futures help the public sector accelerate long-term change?

Six key benefits when you partner with Clear Futures:

  • OJEU compliant – no need for further procurement.
  • Strategic pipeline planning and delivery, bringing projects to market when they’re needed rather than when capacity allows.
  • Multiple routes for delivery including services, capital build, development and market funded.
  • Tried and tested project development processes, giving certainty across the project cycle.
  • Focused KPIs to drive performance and improvement.
  • Competitive supply chain partners – and not exclusive to the strategic delivery partners – AECOM and Robertson.
  • Speedy access to supply chain partners who have proven their ability to deliver.
  • Access specialist expertise for a range of alternative projects.
  • Flexibility to use a preferred supplier with the ability to novate existing team, e.g. design.
  • Out-turn costs and completion dates aligned, and projects delivered with no disputes and zero or minimal defects.
  • Fee structure supports a blended pipeline of project types and sizes, so important but marginal projects can be brought forward.
  • Fee income used to reinvest in developing new projects.
  • Best value with thorough benchmarking and competitive open-book market testing of projects and services.
  • Live supply chain pools ensure ongoing competition and choice.
  • Tried and tested project delivery toolkit.
  • Comprehensive 2-stage project approval process.
  • Cost certainty and VFM assessment.
  • Transparent and competitive fee structure.
  • Standardised development agreement based on contract type, e.g. JCT or NEC.
  • Project control via integrated management system.
  • Advisory services through Clear Futures and a diverse, expert supply chain.
  • Business case development aligned to HM Treasury 5 Case Model.
  • Comprehensive analysis of long-term financial impact of investment.
  • Options for creating a council-owned ‘investment and growth’ account.
  • Service transformation to deliver better outcomes for communities.
  • Create a concrete platform for project delivery.
  • Local supply chain to deliver works and services.
  • Drive training and employment opportunities through supply chain.
  • Key performance indicators include VFM, sustainability, community engagement, partnering, training, quality and health and safety.
  • Potential to create a locally branded Clear Futures delivery entity to take multiple projects forward.